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Messages - Pizza EAS-42oo


What We Do At EasternHops...

EasternHops is a group with a wide variety of flying activities that occur daily. From flying Cessna around the world, landing at the most challenging airports, to landing a Boeing 747-400 in near-zero visibility.
We offer a comfortable flying environment that everyone likes, no need to pass any exams or pressure you to progress. We offer support as a community to allow you to progress at your pace. Virtual pilots can learn and understand the basic and advanced flight and navigation using the knowledge, skills, and experience of our virtual pilots and actually licensed pilots. We offer this all in an atmosphere free of intimidation.


Happy Landing from EasternHops!

Eastern42oo aka Pizza

We Invite all Pilots to join us every Sunday to fly a Cessna 172.182,
We Average 30+ Planes Flying Random Hops List to Places worldwide. So spread the word, and let everyone know to come and join the fun.... Hope to see you there!!!
Official Take-off time @ 11:00 am est/1500z

Cessna Sunday is hosted on
FS2020 Multiplayer
If you are using FSX you can join FS2020 pilots with JoinFS, ask for details on our discord voice channel


Check out our Line-up from a session on FS2020 how about joining us today join our discord "discord.gg/easternhops"